Special Message

Admission in (MBS, M.Ed, BCA, BBS, B.Ed., and B.Ed. Science) is going on. Contact the KSC Admission Office.


Kathmandu Shiksha Campus (KSC) is the outcome of the dream of the educationalist of university teachers, with a major concentration to establish a community-based education campus in Nepal. The campus is situated near to Prithivi Highways, at a distance of 0.5 Km to the South-West of Naikap. The campus has its own newly constructed building with basic infrastructure for the administrative and academic purposes. KSMC has a long history of academic journey and subsequent achievement. 
A dedicated team of the educational professionals was formed in 2047 BS and they established this institution in the academic year 2048 BS. It was established itself as one of the most successful and credible professional education campus of its kind in the Kathmandu Valley. The Campus Management was formed by the members under the leadership of Late Prof. Rajendra Kumar Rangong. KSC, the prominent education institution, admitted about 350 students in the year of establishment 2048 BS. Currently in FY 2078/79, it has around 900 students in different level.
The campus is primarily an institution of higher learning devoted to teaching learning and research, focusing on the different education program of Management, ICT and Education. The very objectives of this campus are to help for the national integration, social justices and the democratic way of life to bring changes in the society. The campus draws students from every knock and corner of the country and from every group and stratum of society, ensuring representation of underprivileged and weaker sections of the society.
